In the middle of Northern Ireland

Welcome to Bradley's Farm

Beef Cattle

We have acquired some Charolais heifers in the spring and these are happily eating through our supply of grass. We like to give them a small helping of meal each morning and find that this helps calm them and makes moving them much easier. Click on the picture for more photos!

Grass Topping

After each grazing we top the grass to suppress any weed and then sow fertilizer to boost new growth. We have established a six week rotation system and this seems to be working successfully so far. Following the good spring growth we had to close off several fields and harvest the grass for winter feed. These are the round bales covered in plastic. Click on the picture for more photos!


Under our Countryside Management Scheme we plough approximately 5 acres for wind bird cover. This is a busy time of year as the weather can be very unpredictable. Also everyone like to get out and do some ploughing. The ground is then Power Harrowed and the barley, linseed and sunflower mix is sown. Click on the picture for more photos of the ploughing!

Our New Forest

In 2010 we received permission to start a new forest on our farm. This was associated with a grant from DARD to establish and maintain approximately 10 acres of mixed trees! In early spring, after the grass had been heavily grazed by sheep, we began marking out the planting lines. A digger created mounds of earth at regular intervals and into these the 12000 trees were planted. Click on the picture for more photos.

Refurbished Barn

The old barn on Bradley's Farm was beginning to get into disrepair so rather than let it fall down we decided to refurbish it. Part of the original buildings on the farm it was at least 150 years old and was used for storing hay and barley with pig housing in the lower parts. I believe seasonal workers were also housed there during harvest time. A considerable amount of time and money was spent on this project but we feel it was all worthwhile! Click on the picture for more photos!

Our Polytunnel

Being quite keen on growing our own vegetables and flowers we decided to invest in a polytunnel this year. Measuring 14' wide by 20' long we are sure it will be adequate for our needs. The season is well under way but we are just experimenting this year so we don't expect anything major from our efforts! I'm sure we will be learning from out mistakes but so far we have managed to grow strawberries, potatoes, onions, sweet corn, corgettes, tomatoes, peas and some beans. As well as apples and plumbs we also grow blackberries, red berries, raspberries, gooseberries and some rhubarb. BTW, my wife makes a fantastic rhubarb crumble and an excellent gooseberry fool! Click on the picture for more photos!